New Features
December 21, 2023 | Here are the new updates and features applied:
Apply Trade logic when displaying Tasks
We’ve implemented a crucial update on how we display Scheduling Tasks in our Vendor Dashboard by integrating them with the Trade logic from Purchasing. This allows us to efficiently view Scheduling Tasks categorized per Building Phase and Vendor. This integration aims to provide a more detailed perspective, enhancing our ability to analyze workflows for better optimization.
Apply the Customize PO Report from Sales
We’ve streamlined the process of viewing PO reports by synchronizing them with the setups in Pipeline Sales. Notably, for clients utilizing customized PO reports, these preferences will seamlessly transfer to our Vendor Portal. This update ensures consistency across platforms, offering clients a unified experience within the Vendor Portal.
Multiple PO Display
We’ve implemented a tooltip feature within the Job Schedules widget on our Vendor Dashboard. This tooltip displays the Purchase Order (PO) number when hovering over a PO Report link, enhancing accessibility and quick identification. Additionally, when relevant, multiple PO links are now conveniently showcased, offering improved navigation and visibility for better workflow management.
PO Access Logs
Builder and Vendor Managers now have access to the PO Access Logs page, offering insights into specific Purchase Order views. This page conveniently displays the list of users who have accessed and viewed POs from within the Vendor Portal site. This enhancement provides valuable visibility, enabling managers to track engagement and stay informed about the users interacting with purchase orders within the platform.
- We’ve introduced a tooltip feature to the hamburger menu, enhancing the user experience, particularly when the sidebar menu is collapsed. PLV-871
- We’ve updated the fields when creating locations/crews for vendors for a unified experience. PLV-840
- This release also includes a fix for issues encountered when creating new users. PLV-889, PLV-844
- This release also includes a fix for issues encountered when creating new Builders. PLV-819
- We’ve also addressed bugs making our platform more reliable than ever. PLV-774, PLV-775, PLV-818, PLV-819
December 10, 2023 | Here are the new updates and features applied:
Changes when Creating a Builder
We’ve made improvements to the builder creation process to enhance data consistency within the Carbonite system. Now, when creating a new builder, users are prompted to select a Carbonite Customer. Upon selection, the Description and URL slug fields are automatically filled, ensuring more accurate data across our system. This update simplifies the process, promoting better data coherence while creating builders.
View Job Documents
Builder and Vendor Managers can now access documents uploaded from the Pipeline Purchasing site within our Vendor Portal. This enhancement enables assigned vendors, whose trades align with uploaded job-related documents, to conveniently view and download these files. This improvement simplifies document access, fostering smoother collaboration and informed decision-making among relevant parties.
Users Grid Improvement
We’ve reorganized the Manage Users page by combining the First and Last Name columns into one, creating space for two additional columns – Email Confirmed and Active. These new columns display checkmarks, indicating user confirmation and account activation status. This adjustment simplifies user status tracking without overwhelming the interface.
- This release also includes a fix for issues encountered when clicking the Back button and bread crumb link. PLV-749
- This release also includes a fix for issues encountered when mapping Purchasing Vendors. PLV-721, PLV-743, PLV-537
- This release also includes a fix wherein all grids across the site only shows one record per page. PLV-770
- This release also includes a fix for issues encountered when importing an invalid file. PLV-661
- We’ve also addressed bugs making our platform more reliable than ever. PLV-714, PLV-751, PLV-768, PLV-805, PLV-847