Version 19.5.0
- Added Duplicate Condition button to condition browser.
- Level Alias now allows the use of single quotes (‘) within Level name.
- Added additional checks for illegal characters within condition setup.
- Removed needed selection for “LEVEL” when setting up levels on conditions.
- Consolidated Level columns on reports to a single column called “Level”
- Revised all “Param Name” and “Param Value” columns in condition browser to a single column called “Level Param”
- XLS reports will generate with XML reports when triggered through the API.
Version 19.4.0
- Removed legacy Handing Management system.
- Implemented new Handing Management system. New system updates handing each time export takes place.
- Added Update Handing command on ribbon, allowing user to update handing on-demand.
- Added Add/Delete Categories tool on Condition Browser menu bar.
Version 19.3.0
- Removed default database path if current path does not exist.
- Added setting to control the source on XML exports.
- Added new setting to allow for level name alias for phase on BOM exports.
Version 19.2.2
- Hotfix: Revised export select folder dialog. Now uses modern dialog, and remembers last selected folder.
Version 19.2.1
- Revised rounding to take place on totals instead of individual products.
- “Like” products now combined in export XML.
Version 19.2.0
- This version marks a complete overhaul of the X-RAY user interface. Key features are as follows:
- New X-RAY Settings dialog featuring tabbed organization.
- New dockable Condition Browser featuring enhanced filtering, editing and Condition results preview.
- New Export dialog featuring simplified selections along with built-in report viewer.
- Read/Write to X-RAY database has also been overhauled in this version. All changes are now immediately written to S3DB file making them available to all users in multi-user workflow. Export speed has also been enhanced for users working with remote S3DB file.
Version 19.1.0
- Adjust default settings to accommodate new install location.
- Added new 2019.0 SQL upgrade script and updated sample DB to version 2019.0
- Added Release Notes button in About dialog.
- Created dedicated X-RAY ribbon tab.
- Changed database functions to work primarily with file on disk rather than in-memory.
- Add progress indicator to Conditions form when importing playbook.
Version 19.0.0
- X-RAY is now available for Autodesk Revit 2019.