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October 2022 Release

New Features

October 26, 2022 | Here are the new updates and features applied:

Scheduling Start and Completed Date

In Pipeline Purchasing, Date Started and Date Completed are already filled up even though there are no Actual Dates in the Schedule yet as it is taking the default Scheduled date. Now, we take from the date that was manually added by the Scheduler / User.

October 18, 2022 | Here are the new updates and features applied:

Business Intelligence Purchasing Order Report

For Clients integrated with Business Intelligence, we now have an additional PO Report.

October 11, 2022 | Here are the new updates and features applied:

Unrelated Co-Buyers

We now show a validation message when the Co-Buyer in a Configuration is invalid. We will be requesting you to remove the invalid Co-Buyer to proceed.

Validation Message for invalid Co-Buyers

Set Non-Working Days outside Current Year

For Clients integrated with Scheduling, we now have an ability to setup Non-working days outside the Current yea up to 4 years in advance.

Nonworking Days


  • We now have renamed to show “Settings” in the Scheduling Navigation tab to place all Settings including Buffer, Non working days, and Workweek setting in landing page. SIU-6389
  • For Clients integrated with Business Intelligence, we now have an availability to filter by Vendor for the Vendor Dashboard. SIU-6491