New Features
September 27, 2022 | Here are the new updates and features applied:
Automated Emails sent to Vendors
For Clients with Scheduling Feature integrated, we now have integrated an ability for Automated Emails sent to the Vendor’s email address whenever there are Scheduling tasks for them to complete. You can review this video for a short demo.
Automated Emails include:
- Purchase Order Job Schedule Reports will be displayed through Telerik which will be attached along with the link provided in the Automated email.
- An email also is sent when there are changes made to the Task’s Scheduled date.
Data Sync Settings for Scheduling Automated Emails
We now have an ability to set up to whether to enable or not allow Automated Emails to Vendors on the Company level Data Sync page for Clients integrated with Scheduling feature.
The settings also include setting a Condition in the Data Sync page on when to fetch the Job Schedules emails. By Default, it’s 7 days, but you can already customize it to your preference.
September 15, 2022 | Here are the new updates and features applied:
BI Reports are Moved to Public Folder
We have now moved and migrated our Default BI Reports for easier Folder navigation when you customized the BI Report access in User Groups.
On the screenshot below, this is when you navigate to the Manage BI Reports Library page when you navigate from the Company level page:
Navigate to the 1st Tier Navigation tab on the Pipeline Sales Dashboard > BI Tools > Browse.
Assign Custom User Groups to Superintendent Users
Previously, we only allow Superintendent to be assigned to default Superintendent user group pages with mobile and web Access to View Schedules, and Complete Scehdulign Tasks.
In the recent update, we now allow Admins to assign these Users to a Custom Superintendent user group to allow which Scheduling page access settings can be accessible to them.

Non-Synced Sales Rep Assignment
Previously, Sales Representative that does not exist in Lasso CRM app, is not saved in Pipeline Sales Registrant page. In the recent updates, we now Save it locally so that the assignment will reflect in Pipeline Sales’ end. It will not be synced to Lasso CRM.
September 1, 2022 | Here are the new updates and features applied:
User Group Page Access for Scheduling pages
You can now set up additional scheduling permissions in the User Groups page in the Schedule tab. We now have added Page Access permission settings for an ability to restrict which Users can manage the “Current Schedules” page:
- Create New Schedules
- View Schedules Only
- Edit Schedules (Add Tasks, Delete Tasks, Mark Tasks as Complete)
- Delete Schedules
When the checkbox of the page access is not enabled, the User assigned in this User Group will not have access to that specific functionality even when they can access the Current Schedules page.
Can Assign Communities Not Synced to Lasso
In the recent updates, we can now assign multiple Communities to a Registrants information. In this way, Sales Representatives will no longer have to create the same Buyer just to be assigned to different communities throughout the Division.
For Clients that are integrated with Lasso CRM, Communities that are assigned to the Buyer which are not synced to Lasso CRM will be saved locally to Specitup but it cannot be carried over to Lasso CRM app as this is a limitation in Lasso’s side.
- Scheduling Page Access settings have now been improved.
- We now allow Users with “Create Schedule” only permission to be able to manage the tasks like adding more tasks to the initial list or deleting them. Once the newly Created Schedule is Saved, the User can no longer manage the tasks that were saved. SIU-6401
- Current Schedule Page Access new settings no longer affect Manage Template page access settings. SIU-6356
- Waffle menu control position when using Safari browser SIU-6335
- BI Report Configuration and Info List’s Community filter is now alphabetically sorted. SIU-5622