New Features
January 24, 2023 | Here are the new updates and features applied:
Able to Resend to Purchasing
For Clients integrated with Pipeline Purchasing, we now have added an ability to Resend to Purchasing for Contracts previously sent to Purchasing already. This is to make sure we sync our data correctly for instances where the first attempt of sending to purchasing returned an unexpected error.
History Logs for Pipeline Purchasing
Once the Contract is already sent for purchasing, and your Sales team will resend the current Contract versions again to purchasing, our history section will then log new pipeline purchasing information appended to the last logged information within the History tab.
Able to Activate/Deactivate Companies
For Clients integrated with Pipeline Sales, we now have the ability to Deactivate Companies that are no longer being used by your team.
Once the button is clicked to Deactivate a company, it will automatically update for an Ability to Activate it again at a later time if needed in your organization.
Kindly note that deactivated companies will still reflect in a registrant’s info if it was used during previous contracts.
Able to Activate/Deactivate Company Contacts
For Clients integrated with Pipeline Sales, we now have the ability to Deactivate contacts that are no longer being used by your team.
Kindly note that deactivated contacts will still reflect in a registrant’s info if it was used during previous contracts.
BI Library Learn More function
For Clients integrated with Pipeline BI, we have improved navigation for selecting BI reports within the BI Library. On the right navigation pane, the description will appear floating so that you can scroll down throughout the page and still be able to review the description.
January 10, 2023 | Here are the new updates and features applied:
Sent to Purchasing Notification Message
For Clients integrated with Pipeline Purchasing, we have updated the notification messages on the Edit Configuration page for easier reference.
- In continuation from our Enhancement from our previous build where we determine if the Configuration or Spec Home is Ready to Send for Purchasing or not.
- When it’s Ready to Send for purchasing, the message to be displayed in both Summary and Options tab would be:
- If Spec Home, the message would be “This Completed Spec Home is ready to send to Pipeline Purchasing”
- If Contract Compete, the message would be “This Completed Contract is ready to send to Pipeline Purchasing”
- If Change Order (incremental version number) the message would be “This Completed Change Order #<number> is ready to send to Pipeline Purchasing”
- If it’s the last version that was sent to Pipeline Purchasing, the message that will be displayed will be:
- If Spec Home, the message would be “This Completed Spec Home is already sent to Pipeline Purchasing”
- If Contract, the message would be “This Completed Contract is already sent to Pipeline Purchasing”
- If Change Order (incremental version number) the message would be “This Completed Change Order #<number> is already sent to Pipeline Purchasing”
Required Selections in Selected Options
For Clients integrated with Pipeline Sales, the Configurations now show a validation message whenever a Contract was already locked (like For Signing) and updated to another locked status (like Complete status) but had existing options with selections tagged as required only after. This happens especially when the required selections are used by newer Contracts but not required by older ones.
This applies for changing the Status from For Signing to Contract Complete, or back to another locked status. The validation message then displays to require the User to change it back to Configuration or Change Order Initial before it’s allowed to be changed to a new locked status (like Change Order Complete).
January 4, 2023 | Here are the new updates and features applied:
Ready to Send to Purchasing
For Clients integrated with Pipeline Purchasing, we have added an ability to determine whether a configuration is ready to send to Pipeline Purchasing or not yet.
The system checks if a Configuration is Ready to Send to Pipeline Purchasing if the following conditions are met:
- Configuration Status must either be Contract Complete OR Change Order Complete
- And when the current version was NOT yet been sent to Pipeline Purchasing from the time it was created.
This filtering is displayed in the Additional Filters button. This would help you filter out to make it easier to select the More Actions function then click ” Send to Purchasing”.
Auto- Send to Pipeline Purchasing
For Clients integrated with Pipeline Purchasing, we now Auto-send the completed Contracts or Change Orders that were NOT yet sent to Pipeline Purchasing but had already an initial Sent to Purchasing History log since the Configuration was created.
This saves you time instead of manually sending it to Purchasing every time there are Contract changes like New Change Order versions or when it was tagged as Change Order Complete.
- We now have a BI Library section for Company Admins to be able to collate and manage all BI Reports both Default and Custom created. SIU-6419
- We also have an additional function for the Administrators to Add/Edit/Delete Report info that will be displayed on the BI Library page. SIU-7407
- We have created an Additional Custom BI Report called “Option Filter Report”. This is a report that could filter the Options by Room/Attribute and/or Type and/or Level. SIU-7447
- We have created an Additional Custom BI Report called “Option Popularity Report”. This is a report that displays the top N Options and the total number sold per month or quarter or year. SIU-7446
- We now have an ability to upload PDF file format in our BI Library. SIU-7699
- We now Fill up all the reports info in the BI Library page. SIU-7763
- In the Summary and Options tabs on the Edit Configuration page, we now have updated the notification message banner on whether it was sent to Pipeline purchasing or not. SIU-7452
- Default BI Reports now have a Time Stamp displayed at the bottom of the report in the standard UTC Timezone. SIU-3586
- We now show alternate grid rows in the Manage Companies – Contact page. SIU-7671
- BI Reports within the BI Library are now sorted alphabetically for easier reference. SIU-7877
- We now show alternate grid rows in the Manage Lot – Edit Lot Map page. SIU-7670
- BI Library now shows a pop-up modal for the carrousel images on the uploaded thumbnails in a BI Report. SIU-7608
- We have updated the Error messages in Pipeline purchasing to be User-friendly. SIU-7976