New Features
Pipeline now offers a view Option description and details during the House import process, while on the Comparison Groups page, as well as a Plus/Minus view page. PIPE-38973
Building Phases can be deleted by importing a csv file. Access the functionality by going to Building Phases > Utility button > Import. Additionally, Options can also be deleted by importing a csv file. Access this functionality by going to Options > Utility button > Import. PIPE-49714
The import and export template for BOM Logic Action has been updated with the new optional column “Assume Current Option”. Input “True” in the Assume Current Option column to indicate adding Products to the current Option (dynamic), or input Option Number and Option Name to indicate adding Products to specific Option only (static). PIPE-52396
Validation for Subcomponent logic is now updated and improved. When importing Subcomponents, the system will alert if the potential Subcomponent(s) can create unwanted relationship loops. PIPE-57730
- WebAPI documentation is updated to include response schema for the following groups of endpoints: HouseBOM, Products, Options, Phases, Houses, Communities, JobBOM. PIPE-58354
- The following endpoints are now available in WebAPI / APIv3 (Previously Available in Rest API / APIv1): Get Version URL: endpoint should enable customers to retrieve the latest version of information.Delta As-Built Maximum Level Comparison URL: endpoint should allow customers to obtain the Delta As-Built Maximum Level Comparison. PIPE-58398
- Important security updates have been made to Pipeline to enhance the protection of data. This update further ensures a safe user experience. PIPE-61157, PIPE-61103, PIPE-58722
- WMS BID Products are now excluded from BOM Logic Rules configuration. PIPE-51230
- An issue was discovered where loading vendors from the Purchasing > Trades > Vendor Assignments page would cause an error if the Division and Community had the same name. This is fixed. The page now loads without error. PIPE-57538
- A defect was discovered where Base option (which is always selected on the house) and its condition is always true and not ignored in System Generation Option following subcomponent logic. This is now fixed. Base option will not show up in System Generated Option & Condition Combinations. PIPE-58250
- A defect was discovered when navigating to the Product Assignment page, a timeout error may occur. This issue happens because the timeout configuration in the code was incorrect. We have adjusted the timeout, correctly called the stored procedure (SP), and added a timeout parameter to the new method used to call the SP. This is now fixed. PIPE-58536
- It was discovered that One-Time Products can be added to Options that have been deleted from a job. This is now fixed. PIPE-58581
- Previously, when updating information in My Profile, if Enterprise was enabled, the page would not refresh automatically to reflect the changes. This is now fixed. PIPE-58934
- A defect was discovered when deleting a Role while on the Admin Settings, Roles page while Enterprise is enabled. Previously, the page would not load the eye icon automatically until user refreshes the page. This is now fixed. PIPE-58933
- This fix addresses a sync issue with Sales information. Previously Sales would duplicate in Purchasing. Now the sync will handle the fact that duplicates are sent and updates the duplicates rather than displaying error. PIPE-58935
- A defect was discovered while batch copying Subcomponents, some subcomponents might not get copied to the destination Product. This is now fixed. PIPE-58951
- Previously, while in Job BOM view, it was discovered that adjustment rules could be added to Options that had been deleted off a Job. This is now fixed. PIPE-60060
- It was determined that adjustment rules still applied after its related Option had been deleted from a Job. This is now fixed. PIPE-61243