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Pipeline Release Notes

New Features and Important Updates

Version 2024


Released 7/18/2024

This hotfix release is deployed to address a discovered defect within the Custom Options page of Pipeline Purchasing.

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Released 6/26/2024

This Pipeline Purchasing and Estimating release includes a variety of updates to the BOM Logic Rules, the ability to mark Options as inactive, the ability to view Comparison Set up in House Imports as well as addresses needed code and defect fixes.

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Released 5/20/2024

The Pipeline Purchasing and Estimating 2024.1 release includes new enhancements to House BOM, Job BOM, & Community BOM processing as well as updates to page consistency and UI experience across the platform. This release also includes many various bug fixes to ensure efficient and accurate tool functionality.

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Version 2023


Released 1/19/2024

The Pipeline 2023.4 release largely focuses on defect fixes and increased site functionality. Community House Quantities is updated to select either replacement or additive setting, and the ability to assign Builder Users to Trades in the Builder portal was also added.

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Released 10/20/2023

This current Pipeline release includes updates to Trades scheduling activity, improved Product drop-down functions providing better efficiency with larger Product data sets, and a variety of enhancements and fixes to ensure better functionality and user experience.

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Released 7/24/2023

This Pipeline 2023.2 release is heavily focused on updates and features to Pipeline Purchasing; including new Trades functionality, future and historic Bid Costs, allowable negative costs within Bid Cost process, and five decimal precision Product Costs within Pipeline Vendor.

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Released 7/24/2023

The 2023.1 release for Pipeline includes House Orientation options within the House BOM, as well as a variety of other enhancements and fixes to the Pipeline application

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Released 4/21/2023

Pipeline 2023.0 includes Improvements to House Import Optimization, Product replacement across Pipeline site via a new Product Swap button, and updates to Bid Products process from Homefront integration.

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Version 2022


Released 2/13/2023

Pipeline 2022.3 includes features to improve Export & Import functionality, logic based BOM rules, Bid Cost process updates, a new Trades feature, Homefront integration process improvements, revised Subcomponent Copy functionality, and Builder & LBM WebAPI updates,

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Released 10/24/2022

The latest Pipeline version includes feature updates to Estimating, Purchasing, and Pipeline Integrations. BOM improvements, Community specific updates, Bid Cost enhancements and WMS utility updates are included.

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Released 9/9/2022

The Pipeline 2022.1.1 is a small supplemental release to Pipeline 2022.1. This 2022.1.1 release introduces Community Specific Details per House Number.

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Released 7/8/2022

The 2022.1 version of Pipeline includes enhancements to Purchasing and Accounting, advanced HouseBOM views, newly integrated Switch To Navigation menu, Purchase Order enhancements, and Module separation and organization updates.

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Released 3/11/2022

The Pipeline 2022.0 release includes enhancements to Asset Adjustments for improved maintenance, updates to Custom Pass Through Parameters, improvements to House Import Quantity and Community Specific Product Quantity. Updates to Purchase Order display and Variance Purchase Order view are also included in this release.

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Version 2021

Fall 2021.2

Released 12/17/2021

Version 2021.2 includes features such as; greater communication between Pipeline Scheduling and Pipeline Purchasing and phase 2 of the Sage 300 CRE integration. Pipeline now allows for Multilevel Quantity Comparisons, Manually changed Purchase Order status, Asset adjustments for improved maintenance, and a completely new single sign on process.

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Spring 2021.1

Released 6/3/2021

This release includes enhanced Product to Category relationships, updated admin users with MarkSystems integration option, added Budget export for Sage 300 CRE integration, tax consistency throughout Pipeline, added One Time Product to purchase orders, and added new Purchase Order column to purchase orders grouped by Option and Phase with option notes and details added.

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Winter 2021.0

Released 3/5/2021

Pipeline 2021.0 includes updates to the Comparison Groups API, allowing for increased cooperation between Pipeline and X-Ray. The Costing Engine is updated to be more powerful. LBM Framer updates offer faster modal loading times. There is also now Specitup Scheduling integration and a better overall user experience between Pipeline and Specitup tools.

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Version 2020

Fall 2020.3

Released 11/23/2020

This release includes Conditionalized Bid Products, which gives users more control and functionality. There is added new copy capabilities, and more search and filtering capabilities. The process of importing house quantities is redesigned to be more fluid, intuitive and user friendly. Pipeline now has the ability to sync with Specitup Scheduling. Usability improvements were made to the Spec Set. Added Supplemental to Bid Products and Estmate generation process.

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Summer 2020.2

Released 8/5/2020

Revamped Bid Costs to assign a bid cost to an option. Bid Costs can now be created with a condition, allowing users additional flexibilty in managing Bids. Added the ability to trace Costs through the generation of a job or house estimate. Additional settings installed allowing users to pick how Parent Option Quantities are displayed. Added the ability for the current Community House Option sales price to be adjusted per community standards.

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Spring 2020.1

Released 5/1/2020

Custom Fields have been added to Houses, Estimates, Products and Options. The Sales Pricing and Costing has been enhanced to analyze pending future prices and costs. Added the ability to move Reconciled Product Quantities occurring from Job Imports to their actual Options or Custom Options on the Job Quantities page.

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Winter 2020.0

Released 1/27/2020

Users can now use the new Options Pricing tool in the Sales Pricing module. The Historic Costing feature gives users the ability to import and export future costs as well as a page that shows previous product costs as well as a future cost with an effective date. Users can now create Community Phases.

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Version 2019

Fall 2019.3

Released 10/18/2019

Summer 2019.2

Released 7/26/2019

Spring 2019.1

Released 4/12/2019

Winter 2019.0

Released 1/18/2019

Version 2018 and prior


Released 10/15/2018

Version 5

Released 11/17/2017

Version 4

Released 3/13/2017