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Pipeline 2023.0

New Features

House Import Optimization

House import optimization enhancements have been implemented in Pipeline to improve importing of As Built files into Pipeline.   Improvements to the index of import file tables and data mapping mean Pipeline can process a higher quantity of As Built files at one time with vastly improved process times.

Product Swap

Pipeline can now specify a Product to be replaced by another Product and make that substitution across the site via a Product Swap button.  This works for a single Product or multiple Products at a time.  This Product replacement feature is available in: House Quantities, Community Products, Option Products, Custom Options, Worksheets, Jobs, Parent Component, Spec Sets, BOMS (House, Global Option, Custom Option, Worksheet, Jobs).

Homefront Bid Process Change

Pipeline has been updated to remove outdated processes for Bid Products from Homefront integration. The View Bid Products button and the Bid Product Generation are removed from the Products page.  The filter that was created to remove the master bid products has been removed from the /HomeFront/ProductsAndBuildingPhases endpoint.  It is now required that the user have a product code if the Homefront integration is turned on.


  • The Assignments page within Pipeline is improved with the following updates: BOM Logic Panels are added to Product and Options Assignment Pages.  Community Product Quantities are added to Product and Options Assignment Pages.  Communities Assignment Page is added.  Additionally, Delete All Assignments on a View button functionality and Delete All button permissions are functional for Products, Options, Communities.  PIPE-21656
  • Add Series Modal is updated to be consistent across Community and House screens.  PIPE-24937
  • Pipeline UI enhancements have been made to the BOM Logic Rules, House, and Resources pages to update and improve look, functionality, and consistency.  PIPE-24966
  • A Manufacturer column has been added to the Products Import and Export Advanced Update list.  This offers additional clarity to the Import and Export of Products with Styles. PIPE-24979
  • Tasks can no longer be added to the Queue on the following pages in Pipeline: House BOM, House Estimate, Job BOM, Job Estimate, House BOM Utilities, Scheduled Tasks, Available Utilities.  PIPE-25043
  • Pipeline is enhanced to not allow Community codes to be left blank.  Community name will be populated if the Community code is left blank.  Additionally, a Community import will use the Community name as a default identifier if the code is not supplied.  PIPE-25044
  • On the Advanced House BOM view, two buttons “Export Current View to CSV” and “Export Current View to Excel” have been added under the gear icon.  Functionality has been added that exports the display of the House BOM as a CSV or Excel file.  PIPE-25121
  • A Pipeline user can now navigate to the Community Spec Sets page and see all Spec Sets.  Community Spec Sets can be edited even if none have been assigned yet.  PIPE-25156
  • On the House Quantities page of Pipeline, a Product description column has been added to better identify Product information.  PIPE-25209
  • Pipeline is updated so that all page titles are consistent throughout the site.  PIPE-25689
  • Category Name is updated to the list of Conditional Fields in BOM Logic Rules.  PIPE-25691
  • Pipeline UI is updated for the inclusion of Category Name Field within BOM Logic Rules.  PIPE-25692
  • Business Logic is created for Category Name as a Condition in the BOM Engine.  PIPE-25693
  • CRUD Operations created in the data base for Category Name as a Condition in the BOM Engine.  PIPE-25694
  • House name has been added as a field to the House Quantities CSV Import and Export files.  This is located to the right of the Plan Number, and is used to identify a House when importing.  PIPE-26121
  • Users can successfully import and export BOM Logic Rule Conditions with a Category.  PIPE-26199
  • Pipeline users now have a Community Assignment page that allows easy to view assignments and also has a delete function.  Assignments is added under the Community Details.  PIPE-26365
  • When “Show Category on Add Product Subcomponent Modal” is selected, a user can now successfully add a Building Phase to a selected Product, and designate that Building Phase for use on a Subcomponent.  PIPE-27026
  • Pipeline menu logic has been updated to link Scheduling to Purchasing.  PIPE-27974
  • Pipeline Estimating, Style Import Rules page is updated to include a Building Phase column on the page grid view.  PIPE-28859
  • When a user searches Products, a search results loading icon is displayed.  PIPE-29303



  • A Pipeline user can now correctly display Building Phase/Style value on Import Quantities panel, compatible with input value XML.  PIPE-25168
  • It was discovered the Building Phase and Option drop-down filter, on the House Quantities page, for a Community Specific display was not working.  This is resolved. PIPE-25169
  • Previously, a user could not edit Style Import Rules properly.  The paging function that allows a user to move from page to page was also broken.  These issues are fixed so that editing Style Import Rule works as designed.  PIPE-25170
  • When adding a Product to a House through Add Option House Product, the Style selection did not update quickly when switching from one product to another.   It was possible for a user to add a Product with a Style that isn’t a valid combination.  This then would break the House BOM.  This is now fixed.  PIPE-25171
  • A user can no longer create and import duplicate names for Option Groups.  PIPE-25172
  • Pipeline now functions so that Houses with Community specific quantities will display in Houses of Uses Assignments.  PIPE-25173
  • The process of importing House Quantity with Product is addressed to ensure that Style and Manufacturer are correctly added.  PIPE-25178
  • Pipeline is fixed to not allow the Product Import process to successfully import a CSV file without a Product name. An error inline message displays to alert the user of the need for a Product name.  PIPE-25189
  • Previously, when on a House Quantity by Style and not default, deleting the Product by Style was causing the House BOM to error.  This is now fixed.  PIPE-25190
  • Users can successfully add product quantities on the House Quantities page from a page other than the initial one.  PIPE-25192
  • Fixes to the Assets/Import Option function in Pipeline now ensure that import options and messaging are consistent and accurate to the function being executed.  PIPE-25194
  • Previously, when a new Style is created on import for a Product it would not assign the new Style to that Product.  This is fixed.  PIPE-25195
  • A Product with a blank Style can now be successfully deleted using bulk action. PIPE-25196
  • House BOM export settings are fixed to match House Bom display grid.  PIPE-25198
  • Dashboard activity log is updated to allow the display of a User profile pic.  PIPE-25199
  • When importing the Spec Set Product Import, an invalid message would display.  Error messages are fixed to display exact issue encountered.  PIPE-25200
  • Various errors and issues have been addressed to ensure that import Spec Set Group / Spec Set Creation Import functions correctly.  PIPE-25201
  • The bulk add Option function on Jobs is now fixed.  PIPE-25202
  • In Pipeline, hitting the dropdown for the sources would choose anything that has the source of that partial string, not the unique string.  This is resolved.  PIPE-25204
  • In Pipeline Estimating, when a user would switch a Building Phase type to edit mode, it would stay in edit mode when adding a new Type.  This is resolved.  PIPE-25707
  • Pipeline is fixed so that grid view now loads the data and shows the correct list of products based on the data setup.  The raw Quantities and the WR (Waste and Rounding) column now show the correct value.  PIPE-25733
  • Previously, the Spec Set checkboxes were not functioning properly.  Pipeline is fixed so that checking and unchecking Spec Set lists works properly and saves when a user moves from page to page within Estimating.  PIPE-25759
  • The user can no longer update a Building Group which is a Building Group code that exists in Pipeline. PIPE-25760
  • Users are now able to delete a Vendor in a Building Phase without getting error messages.  PIPE-25849
  • A Pipeline user can now delete a product from a Category from the Category details page.  PIPE-25853
  • Pipeline now functions so that when the number of users on a site’s license has been reached, users are no longer allowed to log in.  The SSO in Pipeline is updated to use Carbonite information specific to user login.  PIPE-26124
  • The Subcomponent display no longer locks up when a specific configuration of Product is made.  PIPE-26609
  • Previously, Copy Community function did not bring over assigned Vendors.  This has been fixed.  PIPE-26729