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Pipeline 2023.3

New Features

Trades Scheduling Activity

Pipeline Purchasing and Scheduling users can now communicate with the Vendor when a scheduling activity has been assigned to them without a purchase order.  Previously this was not done at the time of the work associated with the purchase order, but now it is a dedicated scheduling only task.  By associating the Trade/Vendor to the Scheduling activity in Pipeline, it is now possible to pass that Trade/Vendor over to Scheduling, for the schedule to be updated to include the Trade/Vendor on any Scheduling only task.

Improve Product Drop Down Selections for Large Data Sets

Pipeline is improved with better UI and functionality when working with large Product data sets.  Products, within Pipeline pages, listed as drop-down selections are now searchable, which reduces the number of Products within the list, and is more efficient for the user.  This feature is updated within the BOM Logic Rules also.  Descriptions are now added to Products to assist in search efficiency.


  • Pipeline users can now see Product descriptions on the House Import page, allowing for better knowledge of what is being imported.  Product descriptions are located next to Product name on the import page.  PIPE-29840
  • Pipeline Copy House Quantities functionality is enhanced to maintain parameters when copying to another House or Option.  PIPE-29973
  • Pipeline Scheduling page, within Jobs, is updated for better usability and navigation.  Verbiage on card holder is changed to read “Scheduling Tasks”.  The left side navigation menu is enhanced to position the Scheduling Tasks page to the top of the section, under Documents. The page has a nested table to display schedules with milestones.  PIPE-30342
  • To match the functionality of Pipeline Styles, when importing House quantities, the Building Phase column now has a dropdown to select the desired created Building Phase.  PIPE-32761
  • The Options Per Configuration grid, on the Jobs Options page, is revised to fit either items to be displayed or the “No records to display” label.  PIPE-34382
  • Pipeline is updated so that the Set Tax Group button within Costing will prompt a modal by the same description.  This provides consistency and uniformity to the tool.  PIPE-34459
  • The Community Sales Tax screen within Pipeline Costing is enhanced to show a toast message notification when Tax Group Override has been updated.  PIPE-34460
  • Large product datasets within Pipeline now function with increased speed and efficiency.  PIPE-35437
  • A Pipeline user, on the Vendor Assignment page, can now choose to multi-select all the communities in a division using multi-select functionality.  This allows for a more comprehensive and efficient Vendor assignment process. PIPE-35831
  • Within Pipeline Purchasing, only Vendors assigned to a Trade will be displayed in the Vendor drop down list.  PIPE-35843
  • A loading icon has been added to the process of navigating between pages in the Advanced House BOM. PIPE-35851
  • Synching a Scheduling task from Spec It Up now only adds new data.  PIPE-35958
  • Improvements to the House BOM page include reducing session usage and changing page size.  PIPE-37328


  • The Product import tool was previously returning multiple errors for duplicate data, missing data, and differing data.  This is now fixed to result in a successful import.  PIPE-23183
  • Pipeline is fixed to display an error message if a user tries to Add Series without populating any required text fields.  Additionally, all required fields within Pipeline Series are noted with an asterisk to prompt the user to populate the required field.  PIPE-25869
  • A server error displayed when generating Cost Comparison in Pipeline Purchasing has been addressed and fixed.  PIPE-27655
  • Previously a User was able to edit a Building Phase type to the name of an existing Building Phase type.  This is resolved to not allow duplicate Building Phase types.  PIPE-28462
  • It was discovered that a Pipeline User could change their username to sysadmin and gain system admin access, including login to other User accounts.  This is fixed by validation that the User username is unique.  PIPE-28463
  • When adding or editing Building Groups in Pipeline Estimating, Pipeline is fixed to require that Code is a mandatory field.  PIPE-28465
  • There was found a discrepancy between the Job BOM quantity and Job BOM trace, when the page is set to view by: Option, Phase, Product.  This is fixed to display the quantities as the number displayed on the UI.  PIPE-28466
  • Previously, when Job Quantities have a Community Specific Product included that doesn’t have a style the Job BOMs would fail.  This is addressed so that Pipeline will successfully generate the Job BOM, but also display a message to state that some Products are missing because of missing Styles.  PIPE-29207
  • The Expand All button on the Community Spec Sets page of Pipeline is fixed to properly expand all Spec Sets listed on the page.  PIPE-29427
  • House BOM generation is fixed so that an error message will populate if a user tries to create or edit a Spec Set Style where original and new Styles are the same, or where there are missing data values.  Previously, the BOM generation would loop indefinitely.  PIPE-29770
  • Time displays in Pipeline are set to display within the Users local time zone.  This is specifically true on the House Import page, Job BOM page, and House BOM page.  PIPE-29820
  • Pipeline is fixed to display Community Override House Name on the Community Spec Sets page, The Jobs page, and the Estimating Spec Sets page.   PIPE-29974
  • Importing Spec Set groups in Pipeline Estimating was giving users an error message if the import file listed duplicate Spec Set groups.  This is resolved so that Pipeline will successfully import the file and create an empty Spec Set as a default.  PIPE-29976
  • It was discovered that the House Copy and Advanced Copy function of Pipeline was not populating Sales House Name when copying from existing to new House.  It was also noticed that Community Specific House Quantity was missing in newly copied House.  These issues are both fixed.  PIPE-29978
  • The House BOM export is fixed to no longer display a server error when settings are changed in Advance Mode and saved without refreshing page.  Additionally, the Generation Status and Import Date columns are now working properly.  PIPE-29991
  • The process of adding and saving House Custom Fields in Pipeline Estimating was found to not function correctly resulting in a displayed error message.  This is now fixed.  PIPE-29997
  • The process of removing and saving House Custom Fields in Pipeline Estimating was found to not function correctly resulting in a displayed error message.  This is now fixed.  PIPE-29998
  • Previously, a broken page/server error would display when a user tried to export Advanced House BOM in XML format.  This is fixed so the XML files successfully export without error or issue.  A loading icon was also added to the Advanced House BOM to show the process of House BOM generation. PIPE-30038
  • When a User would import house quantities with existing product and existing Style, but new Manufacturer, the product would include all Manufacturers associated with that Style into product details.  Pipeline is fixed to only utilize the new Manufacturer-Style selected from the User Import file. PIPE-30059
  • Within Pipeline Assets, in Houses navigation menu, the Copy House / Advanced Copy process is a six step process.  Previously, the page would break and cause a server error message at step 3 of 6.  This is now resolved to process through all six steps.  PIPE-30082
  • After using Bulk Delete Actions, Advanced Update export was hidden when the list of Product export selections was expanded on the Products default page of Pipeline.  This is now resolved to display correctly.  PIPE-32560
  • Fixes to the House Quantity import allow for importing three times with new Product, New Building Phase, new Style without issues or errors at each import interval.  PIPE-32765
  • House BOM Tracing previously experienced issues when View Mode was set to Mini and when Chart Type was set to Detailed.  This is fixed so that the site generates BOM Trace data correctly.  PIPE-32783
  • It was discovered that the default Style shown on the House BOM when configuring the Style Conversions with the Style is not accurate.  This is fixed so that the Style added on the quantities page will show on the House BOM. PIPE-32784
  • Pipeline is fixed so that the Total Cost column will update correctly when updating the quantity on One Time Products.  PIPE-32779
  • Within the House BOM, when Spec Sets is configured to convert between different Products and Styles, the Quantities of Use were found to be incorrect.  This is fixed.  PIPE-32793
  • When a user would try to click a Community on the Community Phases grid, on the House Details screen, the user received a Server error.  This is fixed to function correctly.  PIPE-32796
  • A syntax error was occurring in Pipeline when a user would try to select a Product that contains the apostrophe (‘) character.  This was true on multiple pages where Products are listed.  This error is fixed to no longer occur. PIPE-33033
  • Job orientation on the Job BOM could not previously be set to “right” despite Pipeline settings for Job orientation being updated by the user.  This is now resolved to allow Job orientation adjustment within the Job BOM.  PIPE-33034
  • When applying system quantities for a Job, it was discovered that the system uses all Community quantities for the Community listed on the Job.  Pipeline is fixed to use Community quantities listed on the Job when applying system quantities rather than pulling all Community quantities into the Job BOM.  PIPE-33035
  • Pipeline login issues are fixed so that; an error message will display if licenses are reached, those that do not use licenses are always allowed access, a single user in multiple browsers is not utilizing multiple licenses.  PIPE-33037
  • Previously the Product drop-down field within House Option Quantities would fail to load Product while “Show Category” setting was enabled. This is fixed to list all related Products.  PIPE-33187
  • Previously the Product drop-down field, within Product Conversion in Spec Sets, would fail to load Product while “Show Category” setting was enabled. This is fixed to open successfully, and filter Products based on Category.  PIPE-33188
  • It was discovered that adding a Building Phase to a Product during House Import deletes the Product description. This is now fixed so that the Product description is not deleted.  PIPE-33203
  • Duplicate data in the database was found to cause issues in House BOM generation. This is fixed so that BOM generation is successful. PIPE-33205
  • In House Imports, it was found that Products would end up in the wrong Option rather than the Option the Product is associated to on the XML file. This is fixed so that Products are shown in the correct Option.  PIPE-33210
  • All Improved Product Drop Down Selections, in Pipeline Estimating, are fixed to display the results of description matches.  PIPE-33212
  • Pipeline Estimating Community House BOM generation is addressed to ensure that generating large Community House BOMs will not max out memory usage. PIPE-33718
  • Purchase Orders being created for Sage integration are addressed so that the number 10 no longer displays as “0010”.  This was disrupting integration functionality.  PIPE-34223
  • The Approved Config button, on the All Jobs Options page of Pipeline, would previously display a configuration modal despite being disabled.  This is fixed so that if there are no configurations to approve the button is disabled in appearance and functionality. PIPE-34274
  • Previously in Pipeline Costing, Community Sales Tax screen would stay in active edit mode even when selecting other fields/actions on same page.  This is resolved. PIPE-34461
  • The Trades field in Pipeline Costing is fixed to not auto populate when the Vendor Details page text fields are saved.  PIPE-35073
  • Pipeline would lock up the page when a user would use a large dataset of Products in the All Building Phase selections of the Selective Copy of the Copy Subcomponents modal.  This is resolved so that loading a large dataset of Products can be done without issue.  PIPE-35112
  • It was discovered that if the Vendor Code, which is required, in the table does not match the Vendor Code listed in the UI, which is not a required field, then the Vendor Import will not work causing an error message.  If both the table and UI have missing Vendor Codes, then the import would act as if there was duplicate data causing error.  This has been resolved.  PIPE-35441
  • Pipeline Estimating previously did not allow users to create a new Building Phase Type.  Upon opening the Add Type modal, an error message would display. This is now resolved so that a Building Phase Type can be successfully created.  PIPE-35559
  • Pipeline is updated to generate an estimate for Costing when a user assigns a Vendor to a trade.  PIPE-35589
  • When importing Products using an export file, a Pipeline user would get a time out error.  This is fixed to ensure users can successfully import Products.  PIPE-35609
  • Previously, if a Product CSV import file contained invalid data, the error log table would not show the error log.  This is fixed with updated source code.  PIPE-35611
  • Pipeline Purchasing Cost Comparisons would time out due to a large amount of comparisons causing the query to time out.  This is fixed by creating separate stored procedures for each of the cost tiers so that the time for each block of scripts does not compound.  PIPE-35620
  • The tooltips in both the Building Phase and Scheduling Tasks modals, on the Purchasing – Trades page, were partially covered by the overlap of the Building Phase and/or Scheduling Tasks in Add or Edit mode.  This is fixed.  PIPE-35723
  • Within Pipeline Purchasing, when Trades do not have a company vendor set, the field has a default character of double hyphen. This default character setting was fixed to not be set as a clickable hyperlink.  The same is true for the Building Phases and Scheduling Tasks columns.  PIPE-35734
  • Pipeline Vendor Assignment is fixed so that a Vendor assigned to a Trade at the company level will show up for all Divisions and Communities for that company unless a Vendor has been assigned at a lower level.  Vendor hierarchy is: 1. Company 2. Division 3. Community PIPE-35832
  • Errors and issues were found in Advanced House BOM grid within the Settings column and Parameter value column.  These are addressed to ensure that no errors occur when saving Columns settings. PIPE-35924
  • Pipeline Purchasing Budget was found to show total quantities but no associated line-item cost. This is resolved.  PIPE-36174
  • Error messages were found when trying to delete Building Phases in Pipeline Purchasing.  This is now fixed. PIPE-36377
  • Pipeline client test sites were found to run extremely slow and display a 504 Gateway error when trying to load House BOM page on version 2022.1.6.  This has been fixed through assessing RAM and coding functionality.  PIPE-36531
  • The Building Phase column on the Advanced House BOM page included the Building Phase Code but previously did not include this Code when searching the column.  This is fixed.  PIPE-36852
  • It was found that the BOM Generation on Community and House pages are not consistent with each other. The Global Option, not assigned to the House, was showing in House BOM report if the report was generated in Community House BOM.  This is resolved so that both BOMs are consistent.  PIPE-37034
  • Previously, the Supplemental quantity in House BOM did not have Use Value, yet Use Value is included in Community House BOM. This is corrected by removing the Use Value in Community House BOM for Supplemental quantity, creating consistency.  PIPE-37319