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Pipeline 2024.1.1

New Features

Viewing Comparison Setup in House Imports

The ability to view the comparison setup in House Imports, with the Pre-Compared Files from Connect, has been added as a feature in Pipeline Estimating.  This allows clients to be able to verify the files and quantities and to see the comparison setup that was used to compare the files.

Mark Products as Inactive

Pipeline Estimating is updated with the functionality to mark Products as inactive.  This feature will remove inactive Products as selections in the UI everywhere that Products are selected, and also warn users when a House BOM contains inactive Products.


  • Pipeline now allows a user to mark Options as inactive. Inactive Options can also be toggled back to active if needed. The default for Options is set to active. This is true for Community Options, House Options and Job Options. PIPE-28919
  • A setting has been added to Pipeline Estimating that allows a user to toggle between default or the Style when adding House Quantity. PIPE-34176
  • BOM Logic Rules have been updated to include Building Phase Code. Building Phase Code is also a searchable format. PIPE-40308
  • BOM Logic Rules have been updated to verify conditions of House total Sq Ft. A user can now add/remove a Product based on all the different Sq Ft fields of a House. PIPE-40371
  • BOM Logic Rules have been updated to verify new conditions of Product. A user can now successfully add/edit/remove a Product based on the Product Quantity using all operators. PIPE-40372
  • BOM Logic Rules have been updated to allow an added product to assume the current option, when adding a new Product based on matching another Product (product name, building phase, style). PIPE-41745
  • Purchase Orders are now generated using our robust BI reporting service. They can be printed singularly, in batch, or zipped up.  Admins will need to config the BI service to use custom PO reports on the Purchasing settings screen. If not specified, then a default PO format is used. PIPE-44017
  • A new Product Description column has been added to CSV and Excel House Product import and export files. PIPE-47533
  • Job settings for manual Job configuration have been moved from the WMS settings to Job settings page. Logic and validation of Job settings remains. PIPE-47541
  • The Name column has been removed from the Pipeline House import process. PIPE-48478
  • Pipeline Estimating is updated with a new Product description and Product code column for CSV import/export file type. PIPE-48608


  • Previously there was an inaccurate error message in Option, Option Group, Communities, and Product imports. This has been corrected. PIPE-29989
  • “Search” by Source is now fixed on the Jobs Quantities page. PIPE-30028
  • Corrected inconsistent labeling of “Job” in Lots page of Communities. PIPE-30037
  • It was discovered that the success toast message on House BOM Utilities page remains on page longer than desired. This is corrected. PIPE-30042
  • Corrected available data displayed when adding a new custom Option. PIPE-30043
  • An issue was found and corrected where an inaccurate “does not contain selection options” message when copying house quantities. PIPE-30083
  • Aligned the Division Zip Code field toast message with its functionality. PIPE-32763
  • While in Reporting, and choosing to Trace Quantity, if no Jobs exist the Jobs report will display an error message. This is corrected to inform a user that a Job must exist first. PIPE-32788
  • When manually adding Product to House Quantities page, and parameters configured with old and new Phase, it was discovered that the new Phase was not applied for Community specific House Quantities. This is fixed. PIPE-32794
  • Within the Subcomponents Import instructions text, on the Products import page, unwanted characters were noticed. These have been removed. PIPE-33095
  • Advanced Building Phase Update import will no longer allow .csv files with incorrect headers. PIPE-36365
  • Options CSV and Excel import and export files now have a Global property field. PIPE-38095
  • The error messaging in the Community import process has been updated and improved for clarity. PIPE-38703
  • The House Quantity import process has been revised to close certain dialog boxes. This addresses the time out error while uploading multi files. PIPE-40260
  • Corrected the “IsNull” and “NotIsNull” filters to work correctly on the parent phase display page of Pipeline Building Phase. PIPE-40277
  • Previously, Delete Product by Category, when Product has only 1 Category, would result in the whole Product deleted. This is fixed. PIPE-41972
  • It was discovered that the BOM Logic Rules could not apply with House BOM if the BLR has Product Quantities condition with an even number. This is resolved. PIPE-42536
  • Previously no data would display on the last page of Message Log, Current Log, Archived Log when filtering by date. This is now fixed. PIPE-44954
  • When a duplicate Product is created, an error message will now appear instead of not giving the user any error notification as was previously the case. PIPE-45497
  • The Use column of the Community House BOM and Advanced House BOM Current View export file is corrected to display “NONE” when there is no value for Use. PIPE-45503
  • A display issue that would cause partial screen flickering, if Option length or Product name was over a certain character length, has been identified and fixed. PIPE-45506
  • On a house import, the error messaging when importing the wrong type of file has been improved to provide clarity. PIPE-45513
  • It was discovered that, to load the Building Phase details of any Building Phase, it took a long time. This is fixed. PIPE-47543
  • Various issues were discovered when attempting to import Job Quantities with CSV file. Job Quantities CSV import now imports proper Quantities per Option. PIPE-47605
  • Pipeline House Quantities import feature is addressed so that Quantities import with correct Options, specific to the import file. PIPE-47697
  • Pipeline is addressed to not display Product from the House Quantities of the global option in the Job BOM. This matches what is shown on the House BOM. PIPE-47872
  • An error message would previously display on the Community House BOM when a user would try to change views. This is fixed to allow the change of views to show House BOM data. PIPE-48405
  • Added functionality to require a specific style for a Product that has multiple Manufacturers in the Option Product import. PIPE-48408
  • There is now an error message that displays when importing an empty Options file. PIPE-49546
  • Pipeline is fixed to bypass the new Unit value and import it successfully when an existing Product in import file has a new Unit value. PIPE-49550
  • The export budget function has been removed from the UI. PIPE-49634
  • On House Quantity imports, Pipeline was previously unable to generate House BOM if the Quantity import contains a new Building Phase repeated two or more times. This is resolved. PIPE-49840
  • The Job BOM is addressed to not result in orphaned Quantities. PIPE-50496
  • Pipeline is fixed so that the configure “JDE Login” and “JDE Password” fields now apply immediately after updating successfully on JDE Sync function. PIPE-50760
  • The BOM Logic Rules with Product Quantity did not previously apply on the Global Option. This is now fixed. PIPE-50998
  • Previously an error message would display when attempting to import House Quantities when the parameters are empty. This is fixed to allow the process of importing House Quantity. PIPE-51411
  • In some instances, it was found that Stored Procedure column counts are too small to allow for data. This has been fixed. PIPE-51860
  • The House import process is fixed to no longer reference the description of existing products. The import will display what is currently in the system. PIPE-51861
  • When importing Community Products, Pipeline Estimating is fixed to display DEFAULT in the Style column when applicable. PIPE-52166
  • The tax calculation process in Pipeline for One-Time items has been updated so that taxes will be applied to costs on the Budget, Create PO, and Manage PO Pages. PIPE-52248
  • Newly created Products now display correctly on the Product Quantities to Import page. PIPE-52302
  • Newly created Style/Manufacturer can now be assigned to old/existing Product. PIPE-52303
  • Previously, in certain databases and when adding or editing Option Quantities, page loading would take a long time. This has been fixed. PIPE-52439
  • It was found that the grid view on the Budget page was displaying an empty value for some products instead of the correct product name. This has been fixed. PIPE-52545
  • It was discovered that House value did not populate when the associated Community is selected. This is now fixed to display House value. PIPE-52666
  • Client specific budget showing extra items for PO release has been corrected. PIPE-52779
  • The tracking of One-Time items can now be done through PO cancelation and PO reissue. PIPE-52781
  • In some instances, hugely inflated BOM quantities within client Homefront integration received from Pipeline was found. This is now fixed. PIPE-52808
  • Client specific View Purchase Orders showing doubled products separately and not combined on PO Create page. This is fixed. PIPE-52898
  • Previously, when updating pricing on the vendor base cost page, the products double once the changes are saved. This has been fixed. PIPE-52940
  • It was found that Costing within Budget was shown incorrectly for certain clients. This is now resolved. PIPE-53081
  • In the budget report, multiple products were doubling, tripling or adding individual dollar amounts. This was affecting Purchase Orders. This has been fixed. PIPE-53238
  • The Import Job is addressed to now work correctly without duplicate style. Test XML, CSV with both modes: Option specific and no Option specific. PIPE-53453
  • Corrected an issue that would error out the loading of the Archive Log. PIPE-53738
  • The Rounding node is now displayed in the BOM Trace if Quantity = 0. PIPE-54589
  • It was found that after creating a One-Time item and an Estimate and Job BOM, then navigating to Budgets page and selecting View By: Options, all One-Time items do not display. This is now fixed. PIPE-54763