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LotSpec Videos

Detailed Overview

Getting Started

New Project Setup

Getting Started

Option Packages

Getting Started

Scope Box Select

Optioning, Utilities

Rule Tools

Optioning, Utilities

Section & Elevation Marker

Annotations, Utilities

Master Set Detail Workflow

Details, Master Set Creation

Option Set Creation Basics

Getting Started, Master Set Creation

Wizard Option Set Creation

Getting Started, Master Set Creation

Bulk Option Set Creation

Getting Started, Master Set Creation

Lot Job Solve Setup

LotSpec Remote, Solving

Lot Job Solve

Details, LotSpec Remote, Solving

Solve Option Sets

Master Set Creation, Solving

CAD Link Views

Master Set Creation

Revit Link Views

Master Set Creation

Quick Sheets

Master Set Creation

Map View Parameters

Master Set Creation

Link Manager

Master Set Creation, Utilities

Lot Job Solve – Cloud to Cloud with Remote

Cloud Model, LotSpec Remote, Solving